Hi, I’m Jamie. I teach you everything you need to know (and nothing you don’t) about how to create approachable, time-honored, and nutrient-dense food to bring to your table.

My interest in food began as a young child - a picky eater who wouldn’t touch “mushy” food, I had never considered even trying an apple pie, until I saw one being made - apples and sugar? That’s what the “mush” is? I realized I might have been wrong about my presumptions, and saw food in an entirely new light.

This kick-started my need to know how everything was made, and how to create exceptional flavor.

Like a sponge, I soaked up any opportunity to learn a new dish from anyone who would share. The more details they’d share, the more satisfied I’d be.

Meanwhile, I pursued my interests in the sciences. I couldn’t get enough physics, physiology, or anatomy, and became enamored with the idea of pursuing a career in the medical field.

Studying biomedical science in university trained me in collecting, organizing, and analyzing data, and greatly deepened my understanding of the scientific method and the human body. 

I was engaging with my analytical mind, and enjoying every minute of it.

Eventually, I started to wonder if there was more to health than what I was (or wasn’t) being taught.

With both of my grandfathers having had heart disease, and my own father’s experience with the condition, I always assumed I was next in line - genetics, right? My father had significant blockage, and was recommended a triple bypass surgery ASAP by his cardiologist. My father, a physician, decided to not undergo surgery and instead reversed his heart disease through diet and lifestyle changes.

It was through my father’s experience that a lightbulb went off, and I connected all that I had learned with my interest in cooking food. 

My understanding of health immediately shifting into a new gear. I was not locked into a future of heart disease due to my genetics. Rather, it was my diet and lifestyle choices that made the greatest impact.

What was I to do from here? After graduating, I noticed that my usual muscular frame was becoming…not so muscular anymore. My life had become more sendentary. I was out of shape, overweight, and not happy with the direction my health was headed. How do I go from eating microwavable frozen pizza and fast food to a healthy diet? It was clear I needed to learn to cook for myself if I wanted to eat in a health-promoting and satisfying way.

I had already given up eating heavily processed meats and sugar-laden foods. So, I decided to explore next steps, and ended up enrolling in a culinary academy — the first state-licensed raw food academy in the United States.

This blew open the doors of possibility for me. I realized the vast potential for flavor and texture through working with whole foods. I applied my education in the sciences to paying attention to the variables, which is essential in reproducing a recipe commercially.  Cooking isn’t just science, and it isn’t just an art. It is an intertwining of the two disciplines.

This is where I met my wife Lindsey, and we started Nourished soon after we met.

Today, I teach you everything you need to know (and nothing you don’t) about how to create approachable, time-honored, and nutrient-dense food to bring to your table.

I’ve personally prepared food for well over 10,000 individuals in a way that supports their individual health needs and goals.

It takes a special kind of person to ask, “how can I eat in a healthier way?” I’m grateful to help these individuals and families enjoy eating healthy. It’s a joy for me to embrace who I am and practice my art of cooking.

Check out our seven breakfast recipes to get a taste of what I’ve learned over the past ten years, and how you can utilize my recipes in achieving your biggest health goals!