Jamie and Lindsey Conway

The Power of Persistence

The Power of Persistence

Feb 07, 2023

Forget the perks of sweet potatoes and press pause on the benefits of pineapple, today I’m thinking about the power of persistence. Early on in my work as a functional nutrition coach, I started noticing a common theme with my clients:

I could create a 5-day meal plan packed with nutrients (and recipes) to support gut health, the adrenals, or hormones…

…I could wax poetic about the importance of sleep and movement, stress management and community…

…I could write up a neatly bulleted list of action items that would help people move closer to their health goals and desired outcomes…

But, more often than not, these resources weren’t enough to firmly plant my clients on their path to improved health. Our sessions about the specifics of what to do to feel better or improve their health weren’t enough to guarantee success with our plans of action, because many people struggled to follow through on those actions.

At the core of any health-related plan is the ability to successfully create new habits in your life. Yet, for most people, changing up long-held habits and routines is really hard. It’s why you see me yammering on and on about the importance of mindset – staying in the right mind to keep up the habits that are going to help you achieve the results you’re seeking.

It’s also why I’m here today to explore the power of persistence as it relates to your health.

Habits are repetitive actions or patterns of behavior that you want to keep. For the purposes of our conversation, a few (obvious) examples are: drinking more water, exercising 5 times a week, eating more vegetables, drinking less alcohol, or going to bed by 9:30 pm every night.

Therefore, it stands to reason that persistence is one of the most important ingredients in the creation and maintenance of new habits.

At the core of any health-related plan is the ability to successfully create new habits in your life.

Persistence is defined as firm continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

It’s showing up and taking action everyday, even when you don’t feel like it. Being persistent means that you keep going, even when it feels like nothing is happening or changing.

As we’re still fresh into a new year, many of us set our sights on new goals and unleash new dreams. In January, it’s common to see people chase after those goals with high hopes and committed passion. But, as soon as life’s inevitable obstacles pop up – sickness, fatigue, changes at work, snow days, change in family routines – it’s easy to get discouraged, waver on your goals, and eventually say, Forget it, what’s the point? This is too hard.

But here’s the reality: You won’t see results in your health unless you’re persistent with the actions that will lead you to those results.

This is why I’ll talk about persistence over the perfect diet anyday. Because, it’s paramount to reaching your goals.

So how can you practice persistence on your health journey?

Pick your one thing.

What is one thing that you can commit to in order to support your health? Is it drinking water everyday? Adding more fiber to your meals? Staying off your phone for 30 minutes after you first wake up?

Your one thing should be the action item or habit that’s going to help you build momentum, confidence, and ultimately begin to move the needle forward on your health.

Pick something that you know you can maintain every day and commit. Then, keep showing up for yourself. Persist!

SHARE WITH ME: What’s the one thing that will make the most difference for you over the next two weeks? Let me know in the comments so I can cheer you on.

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